Today, in a last ditch effort to hang on to any shred of relevance as a member of the main stream media, Buffalo News writer Bucky Gleason offered up an…


Today, in a last ditch effort to hang on to any shred of relevance as a member of the main stream media, Buffalo News writer Bucky Gleason offered up an unquestionably contrived column in a flailing attempt to drum up controversy and attention.

Here’s what he had to say about the crowd at last night’s Sabres game and fans who generally recognize that, right now, losing games is better for the franchise than winning games would be.

Bucky Gleason in today’s Buffalo News:


Despite his best effort, it’s long been apparent that Gleason fails in his quest to be a “thought leader.”

Nonetheless, Buffalo, you just got booed by Bucky Gleason. Take that!

But wait… what’s this?

Note the contradiction in the following excerpt from two short years ago which provides proof that even Bucky doesn’t read Bucky.

Bucky Gleason, June 23, 2013:


Pay no attention to the continued decentralization and democratization of thought and opinion, Bucky.

It surrounds you. Ignore it.

Keep telling yourself that we need you.

But if even you aren’t listening to yourself anymore, what’s the point?


  1. What I do not understand is why rebuilding is now branded as “tanking” by Schmucky…errrr I mean Bucky. So just to be clear Bucky, not only are you saying that you are against rebuilding via high picks in the draft (a draft that includes two possible generational players), but that in the process of doing so, they players on the Buffalo Sabres are not playing with maximum effort and essentially are in on it?
    Youre a delusional imbecile who ought to take his own advice to heart; because frankly you and the rest of the nincompoops  at the news haven’t put in a full effort at writing a decent story or op ed piece since the Courier Express went the way of the dodo.

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