A few thoughts on this unusual ballot

#TheLegendOfKiko continues to grow as Bills’ rookie LB Kiko Alonso today garnered a vote in every race on Buffalo resident @CircleThisWagon‘s ballot.

Tim Graham didn’t like it.

We’re not ready to pass judgment on whether it’s “right” or “wrong” to pull this sort of stunt, but it’s at least semi-interesting… and raises a few thoughts.

  • Does a write-in candidate ever win? Well, yes, people have won and there are a ton of interesting stories about write-in campaigns. That said, per Wikipedia (so DEFINITELY true), write-in candidates rarely win and votes are often cast for ineligible people or fictional characters. (I assure you that Kiko Alonso is very, very real– although likely ineligible.) At least these days a write-in vote can be photographed and shared to make a little bit more noise than the proverbial tree falling in the forest. In the past, not so much.
  • Does a vote for Kiko Alonso make any less sense than a vote for Debra Givens or Kevin Keane on this particular ballot? Let me get this straight, I’m electing exactly two people to a 10-year term as a City Court Judge and I have TWO CHOICES?
  • The “Law & Order” party (ampersand and everything!) is the exact right party to invent when you want to be Sheriff but nobody will let you. Good on you, Bert Dunn.
  • If you’re going to throw your mayoral vote to Kiko Alonso, @CircleThisWagon, you’d better damned well do what you can to put Sergio Rodriguez in the Pro Bowl.


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