Sweet Sally Sunshine

This is Sally.


Sally and her dad, Matt.

Sally is the 10 month old daughter of Matt Kabel, the co-founder of the New York City Buffalo Bills Backers, a friend of DGWU Sports, and an all-around awesome guy. As you can read from Sally’s site, she was recently diagnosed with Leukemia and has been going through treatment at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering in New York City.

The guys at Dear God Why Us came up with an idea to help her and her family out. Read the full story here.

I immediately contacted our sometime cohort and sometime enemy TrendingBuffalo.com to see if they could help with the cause. They worked quickly, and now I’m proud to announce that Store716.com and Socorp, Inc. have teamed up to bring you the Sweet Sally Sunshine charity t-shirt. These guys have offered to take care of all the production and shipping of the shirts, with all proceeds benefitting Sally, Matt, and the rest of the family. You can click on t-shirt image for a link to purchase the shirt.

Here’s the shirt.



Buy the shirt and please share Sally’s story with your friends/family/followers.



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