ABC gave us a week off for America’s birthday. It really made that whole Revolutionary War thing worthwhile. And, much like the British army after a failed evacuation in Yorktown,…

I’ve been shot by BB guns, folded into couch beds and dunked in toilets, but never has anyone treated me as cruelly as ABC is treating me this week. Back-to-back…

I hope you’re thirsty for death, because that’s what ABC has promised us tonight. Death. Two weeks ago, words were shouted from mouths in the interest of real keeping. Things…

I got home from work today and for 4 wonderful hours I forgot that ‘The Bachelorette’ was on tonight. It was a blissful existence. My wife and I talked about…

You know how sometimes, when you’re taking a shit, it kind of hurts? Anyway, the Bachelor finale is tonight. With fresh venereal diseases on his genitals, Nick explores Finland with…